I need to confirm those who are going for the chalet, for the period of 3 days and 2 nights, so I know how to charge you people accordingly. Wakakaka... *er hem* just kidding.
iCylord - Monday, November 24, 2008'
I'll bring a volleyball, if there's a court there. Skewers. Anything else need me to bring, kindly contact me for my help.
Approximity - Wednesday, November 05, 2008'
ATTENTION ! All IsPerfect members and ex-members (including guild master and Jr.masters too) are to avoid using harsh language in the current IsPerfect guild blog and avoid any personal conflicts here .
Those who are unwilling to follow these rules OR unable to follow suit shall be taken care of *ebil grin >=)*
Yours unfaithfully,
Bgunn (Your one and only was-active Jr.master)
P/S : My apologies for any grammar errors or words that are too awesome for euur eyes .